Thursday, December 29, 2011

And another day in the books...

Well last night I slept like a champion....didn
T take any of that horrible morphine thnk goodness for contractions....took a sleeping pill instead prwscribed by doc...I slept from 9:30-8/20 this morning. My nurse only had to wake me up once to empty my bladder bcauase I had 6 cntx that hour...

I must admit I woke up feeling crummy! Nose has been sooo stopped up for last few days...I has cried of and on two days and o chalked it up to that...but I haven't cried since yesterday afternoon and generally didn't understnd why I was feeling so crummy!!! Justin woke sniffling and I still had the headache I was certain would go away once I rested....then it hit me.....

3 days ago we got these beautiful flowers from the women's association that's affiliated with my husband line of work.....they were beautiful...and fragrant...a-HA! When I woke feeling especially crummy after another two hour nap this morning.....I sat up to eat lunch feling nauseated , miserable, stopped up, headache...I told my husband.....take those flowers to the hallway!! Literally in 15 minutes my nose began running, mynhead clearer....and now I can honestly say I am feeling great know as great as a woman whose belly is taking over her body slowly....

I'm thankful it appears we are putting another day down...and I'm hopeful that we might just get 2012 babies!!!!

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